We love the seasons in this country, don’t we? The winter snow, the spring showers, the summer showers and the autumn showers. It’s this variety that keeps us fresh and interesting.
After last week’s rant, I thought I owed it to you to write about something a bit more, well, cheerful. Not that the TfL problem has gone away, nor the Planning Department, nor Pep [...]
In the morning, the first thing I do when I get out of bed is ride an exercise bike. I know what you’re thinking: “You? Exercise bike?” I know, I know. I used to mock the idea [...]
By a slip of the finger I invented a new word this week: thirth. It’s actually spelt 3th, which is what I typed by mistake when I meant to type 13th. I meant to type 13th because April 13th [...]
Last week I shared my excitement at learning that you can make a sentence using only the word ‘buffalo‘ eight times in a row. No sooner had I discovered that revelation than it was [...]