If you’re considering a career in poetry, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself, other than “Am I happy to die in prison?”, is which language you’re going to [...]
Much as I scorn the News, every so often an item pops up that spurs my interest, though probably not for the reasons intended. For example, this week, as I was assimilating facts about the wine [...]
Never let it be said that I don’t bring you flowers any more. I’ve just taken delivery of my first ever pair of varifocal glasses, a clever piece of technology that enables me to [...]
Here’s news. Or perhaps I should say here are news. I was researching an article about Artificial Intelligence – a subject that I’d like someone to discuss with my phone, by the way, [...]
The Trusted Contacts networking group meets for breakfast every fortnight to share knowledge and experience and discuss the hot topics of the day. For the last couple of months the hot topic on [...]