Apologies for the delay. Just trying to stay on trend. Speaking of foreign relations, what would you do if you had a French teenager coming to stay for four days and you wanted to give them an [...]
If a terrorist is someone who creates terror and an artist is someone who creates art, you can guess what I’m going to ask next. I’ve got a dentist appointment next Wednesday, which [...]
A story grabbed my attention this week, about a scam in the States that raised $400,000 in public donations for a homeless man, who had allegedly given his last $20 to a woman called Kate [...]
What do you think the end of the world will be like? Mountains being rent in twain and spilling forth millions of Piers Morgan clones? The sun turning black to the sound of Bill Withers holding [...]
Sometimes it’s easier to listen than read. So here’s my interview on the fantastic Innovative Leaders Podcast, discussing the importance of writers, what is good writing and why [...]