For some reason, possibly to do with cricket, I keep waking up humming the melody to Football’s Coming Home – specifically the lines ‘Three lions on a shirt’. It’s a [...]
I know what you’re thinking: “It’s about time.” Apologies for the lack of a word last week. I was called away to share some octopus in a local tapas restaurant. Mea pulpo. [...]
Today is Local Radio Day. Did you know that? You would if you listened to local radio. This week I’ve had the privilege of being invited onto two local community radio stations: Surrey [...]
I’ve been toying with the idea of becoming a Buddhist. Well, why not? You’ve only got one life. It fits with my recent efforts to recondition myself off meat – a campaign that was [...]
Sometimes when I’m writing this stuff and I find myself putting myself into the story (oh no, there I go again!), I cringe and yearn for those innocent, ego-free days of three years ago [...]