Anyone who’s been subjected to this Word of the Week lark from day one will remember that “prune” is what Victorians used to say in order to pull the appropriate face when being [...]
Ever since Perseus went and lopped the head off Medusa, there have been elements of the human race who have been prepared to do anything to avoid the quiet life – people who could only enjoy [...]
Bogey, birdie, dormie, caddie, niblick… If you like silly words (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), you’ll find rich pickings around this time of the year when The Open [...]
I may (or should that be ‘might’?) be getting ahead of myself here, but if we’re going to have to get used to hearing this word on an even more regular basis, we might (or [...]
So now we know the effect of Europe on Sterling. What a shocker! We all knew there’d be pressure but did anyone envisage such a drastic collapse? And what about the future? What if the [...]