There’s a frog in South America, the tadpole of which is bigger than the finished frog. Yes, you read that right. Because of this Benjamin Buttonesque approach to adolescence, it goes by [...]
I’m not normally one to complain about mortality. Life’s too short. But this week I’ve been suffering with a chronic ailment that has seriously tested my will to live. There are [...]
This time last week, Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog (the world’s only famous groundhog) was emerging from his burrow to make his annual weather prediction. If he [...]
Here’s a story that might have escaped your attention. Back in 2019 a company called Trelleborg Sealing Solutions got together with students at Tewkesbury School to make the world’s [...]
If you want an example of how brilliant the worldwide web is at spreading false information, try Googling the saying ‘Pinch, punch, first day of the month’. Ignoring the long [...]