The big news this week is that scientists can accurately track whales using images from satellites 300 odd miles above the surface of the sea. This is great news for people who like to track [...]
There’s a lot of fear about these days. Whether there’s more fear about these days than there was in palaeolithic days is difficult to say, especially if you suffer from [...]
Two very peculiar things happened this week. First, Steve Bruce, erstwhile manager of Aston Villa, had a cabbage thrown at him from the crowd at Villa Park. The cabbage was thrown on Tuesday. On [...]
Firstly, I should apologise to anyone who has opened this email expecting an essay on philosophy. I admit that last week’s trailer, ‘Next week: How an accident with a home-made [...]
The long, dark nights are drawing in, the wind is whipping up a storm, the trees are abandoning their leaves like gnarled MPs and their beliefs and as we pick our merry way down the debris strewn [...]