I don’t know if it’s a start of the year thing, but this week I’ve been experiencing some strange psychological phenomena. For example, on Wednesday evening I went to my local [...]
Happy New Year, one and all! As is traditional at this time of year, I’ve been evaluating my day-to-day existence, checking it’s all still worth it and trying to identify new [...]
There’s a school of thought that says that everybody, no matter what sort of life you’re born into nor how lazy you are, has a talent for something. But what if that something came [...]
I know the 1970s are often romanticised as a halcyon age of strikes and power cuts and bad jumpers, but there was a refreshing simplicity about life back then. For example, somebody who lived by [...]
In the morning, the first thing I do when I get out of bed is ride an exercise bike. I know what you’re thinking: “You? Exercise bike?” I know, I know. I used to mock the idea [...]