One of the consequences of it having rained non-stop for the last two years is that there’s been a bumper crop of fruit this year. I’ve had so many apples I’ve run out of [...]
The recent couple of weeks of sunshine – what we in England call ‘summer’ – has left the water level down a bit in my garden pond. Apparently a pond evaporates by about one inch per [...]
Given the amount of greens they consume in their youth, you would think butterflies would be more muscular. How can a diet of brassicas produce both Arnie and these feather-light sylphs that flit [...]
This is the first Word of the Week under a Labour government and it’s fitting perhaps that the new regime coincides with a sudden proliferation of ants in my life. (Hands up if you thought [...]
This time last week, Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog (the world’s only famous groundhog) was emerging from his burrow to make his annual weather prediction. If he [...]