An interesting incident took place on a train recently. As we were approaching a station, the lady sitting next to me made to get up and, as she uncrossed her legs, her stockings rubbed together [...]
Did you miss me (yeah!) while I was away? You may have noticed there was no Word of the Week last week and I feel I owe you an explanation. So here’s one. The last week has been Screen-Free [...]
They say that bad luck comes in threes. When I say ‘they’, I couldn’t actually pinpoint who ‘they’ are, but whoever ‘they’ might happen to be, there seem [...]
If you’re considering a career in poetry, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself, other than “Am I happy to die in prison?”, is which language you’re going to [...]
Much as I scorn the News, every so often an item pops up that spurs my interest, though probably not for the reasons intended. For example, this week, as I was assimilating facts about the wine [...]