Don’t you find it remarkable that after 12,000 years of agriculture, the same questions keep cropping up (pardon the pun)? Is a strawberry a fruit? Is a pea a vegetable? Is a potato a root [...]
I’ve just received a message from a friend, warning of a dodgy WhatsApp scam that’s about to land offering an upgrade to WhatsApp Gold. If you fall for it, the message says, the [...]
Today is not a day for logic. It’s a day for romance. If I’m a little late posting this it’s because I’ve spent the day in a wistful fog of whimsy, floating on a [...]
It’s funny the things that keep you awake at night. Mostly it’s fear. Or the cat. Or fear of the cat. But often it can be the most banal of thoughts, such as ‘What is it that [...]
So who do you complain to when the Ombudsman lets you down? Is there an ombudsman’s ombudsman? Is an ombudsman always a man? If so, why? And if not, why hasn’t it been changed to a [...]