Don’t you find it remarkable that after 12,000 years of agriculture, the same questions keep cropping up (pardon the pun)? Is a strawberry a fruit? Is a pea a vegetable? Is a potato a root [...]
I’ve just received a message from a friend, warning of a dodgy WhatsApp scam that’s about to land offering an upgrade to WhatsApp Gold. If you fall for it, the message says, the [...]
If you’re one of those peculiar people who regard football as a silly pastime involving 22 men (or women) chasing a ball around while thousands of other people get really worked up about [...]
The strange chip shop phenomena continue. Following my uncanny pavlovian experience of a couple of weeks ago, New York Brian messaged me asking if I was ever planning to make [...]
I don’t know if it’s a start of the year thing, but this week I’ve been experiencing some strange psychological phenomena. For example, on Wednesday evening I went to my local [...]