An interesting incident took place on a train recently. As we were approaching a station, the lady sitting next to me made to get up and, as she uncrossed her legs, her stockings rubbed together [...]
Never let it be said that I don’t bring you flowers any more. I’ve just taken delivery of my first ever pair of varifocal glasses, a clever piece of technology that enables me to [...]
Anyone new to learning English will be delighted to hear that we have a simple little word, ‘fast’, which means moving rapidly, and we have another little word, ‘fast’, [...]
Last week I touched on the subject of talking animals – specifically a bilingual parrot, who had gone away to learn Spanish. It was never intended to become a running theme but then inspiration [...]
Interesting item on the news this week about a bunch of camel owners in Saudi Arabia who’d been caught cheating in a beauty contest. We should have more news like this. It makes a [...]