Apologies for the delay. Just trying to stay on trend. Speaking of foreign relations, what would you do if you had a French teenager coming to stay for four days and you wanted to give them an [...]
Isn’t reproduction a remarkable thing? I’m aware that this statement makes me sound like I’ve just discovered it. In a way that’s true. I’d better explain.
Chopper, the bass player in our band, is suffering with tennis elbow, which means that whenever we reach the incendiary climax of our set and he swings his instrument through the front of his [...]
Apparently today is National Thesaurus Day. You’d think they could have come up with a better name for it. According to NationalDayCalendar.com, NTD is celebrated every year on 18th [...]
A few weeks ago the Word of the Week was Bugbear, which naturally led on to an investigation of bears. I’ve always regarded the investigation of bears as something that’s best done [...]