Every so often, LinkedIn prompts my connections to congratulate me on a work anniversary, which is nice (thanks Kenny). The funny thing is, though, it happens several times a year and never on [...]
The strange chip shop phenomena continue. Following my uncanny pavlovian experience of a couple of weeks ago, New York Brian messaged me asking if I was ever planning to make [...]
As part of my New Year effort to stave off the ravages of old age, I’ve started going to yoga classes. I booked in with my wife for a session called Warm Dynamic Flow, which sounded pretty [...]
I don’t know if it’s a start of the year thing, but this week I’ve been experiencing some strange psychological phenomena. For example, on Wednesday evening I went to my local [...]
Happy New Year, one and all! As is traditional at this time of year, I’ve been evaluating my day-to-day existence, checking it’s all still worth it and trying to identify new [...]